Natural Hormone Balance

Natural Hormone Balance Charlotte Test, ND, MH, CNHP First things first… A toxic liver can interfere with hormone balance!  A poor diet can as well. Detoxification with Chinese Tiao He Cleanse. Basic nutrition support. Get to bed early! Hot Flashes Melatonin1 and Zinc (acts as a catalyst) Studies show melatonin is hypothermic (reduce body temperature).  … Read more

The Effects of Drug Promotion on the Health Care System

The use of prescription drugs is the fastest growing component of the costs of personal health care and increases 15% annually (Lown, 2003). This is 4 times faster than any other health component spending. The impact the costs of health care in the United States has on the American public is profound. It affects every American citizen either directly or indirectly. One must question the necessity of the number of drugs being prescribed.An examination needs to be made into whether it is a result of pharmaceutical advertising to the public, physicians clouded by the benefits provided by the pharmaceutical industry, or whether these drugs are truly needed by the patients taking them. This paper will address these issues in an effort to shed light into the costs associated with healthcare, as well as potential dangers of drug promotion to physicians and the general public.

Helicobacter Pylori (Stomach Ulcers)

The information in this article including the nutritional supplements suggested has been gathered to help you understand helicobacter pylori infection that the medical community has linked as the possible cause of stomach ulcers.  Practitioners in the natural health community are educated to believe germs are not at the root cause of disease.  We believe, instead, … Read more