Goat Trauma Care: Essential First Aid After a Predator Attack

Emergency First Aid for Goats After an Animal Attack Goat owners know that predator attacks—whether from stray dogs, coyotes, or other animals—can be devastating. Even if a goat survives, the trauma can leave them extremely stressed, in shock, and at risk for infection. Immediate first aid is crucial before a veterinarian can assess the situation. … Read more

Using Nature’s Sunshine Products to Support Goat Health

Herbs for Goats! Raising goats naturally means ensuring they receive the right balance of nutrients to prevent deficiencies and common health issues. Since we raise goats on our farm, Horse -n- Bear Ranch, we’ve had to find ways to use natural remedies to ensure they get what they need. As long-time Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP) … Read more

Oral Chelation

MEGA CHEL – Artery Cleanse (Oral Chelation) Program Follow the links throuhgout this article to order the individual products for the program or go HERE. Suggested Usage: 1 month minimum for every 10 years of age!    Mega Chel Oral Chelate, 6 twice a day    Ionic Minerals w/Acai, 1 Tbsp twice a day    Cardio-Assurance, 1 three … Read more

Are you loving your heart?

February is Heart Month! Are you loving your heart? Why should you love your heart? Do you put your heart at risk? Consider these [updated] statistics on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in the United States: CVD is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States 1. In 2021, about … Read more

Hormone Balance Naturally for Women

Natural Hormone Balance taught by Charlotte Test, ND, MA, MH By now most women will personally know or at least heard of someone that had taken drastic measures to remedy female reproductive organ health problems or hormone imbalances.  Hysterectomies had long become a common solution for female ailments.  Now, just as radical, mastectomies have become … Read more

Allergy Season Here Again!

Allergy season is a bit early this year!  A mild Winter and early Springtime weather brings plant life to bloom distributing pollen in the air.  For those finding themselves suffering from those familiar allergies symptoms, it can be frustrating even for just one season per year.  For other folks allergies are a year round predicament! … Read more


Introduction to Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular as a valuable way to promote both physical and emotional well-being by using essential oils extracted from plants.  The benefits have been known for ages, however, it was not given a name until the 1920’s when the term aromatherapy was coined in France. Essential Oils An Essential … Read more

Herb of the Week 9/18/2011 – Eleuthero

Eleuthero, which was once known as Siberian Ginseng, is a traditional Chinese remedy that is similar to Panax Ginseng.  It is known as an adaptogen herb which restores vitality and energy balance, increases stamina, support memory function, and acts as a tonic to improve overall health. Research has also revealed that active compounds in Eleuthero … Read more

Herb of the Week 9/11/2011 – Corn Silk

by The Herb Peddler on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 4:13pm Corn Silk aka se-lu si-li-gi, Indian Corn, Maize, Maize Silk, Mother’s Hair, Yu Mi Shu, Yu Shu-Shu, Zea. Corn Silk, is the silky-looking fiber that surrounds the corncob.  As a natural remedy, corn silk is commonly and safely used for health of the urinary … Read more

Herb of the Week 9/4/11 – Stinging Nettles

by The Herb Peddler on Monday, September 5, 2011 at 9:54pm Stinging Nettles The nutrient-rich Stinging Nettle plant has been used as both food and medicine for centuries. The leaf is primarily used for allergy reactions and as a diuretic to relieve temporary water weight gain and also to promote urinary tract health. Nettle is … Read more