Highest Iodine Foods
Agar Artichokes Asparagus Bass Beans (butter, French, kidney, snap) Blueberries Brussels sprouts Cardamom Carrots Chervil Chives Coconut Cucumber Eggplant Fish Fish Roe Garlic |
Goat Cottage cheese Goat milk, whey Green peppers Green turtle Haddock Halibut Herring Kale Leaf lettuce Loganberries Mustard greens Oats, steel cut Okra Onions, green and dried Oysters, raw Peanuts Perch Pike |
Potatoes, sweet, Irish Quail Rutabaga Salsify Seaweed Silver salmon Sole Spinach, New Zealand Squash, summer Strawberries Swiss Chard Tofu Tomato, ripe Trout Tuna fish Turnips Watercress Watermelon |
Black Walnut is one of the highest herb sources for iodine and thyroid benefits.
Spirulina (blue-green algae) is a great source that also provides RNA and DNA which helps in damage caused by radiation (radiation damages DNA in the cells).
Charlotte M. Test, ND, MH
Timothy R. Test, PhD, ND, MH
Jensen, B. (1983). Chemistry of Man. Escondido, CA: Bernard Jensen International
Spirulina Fact Sheet (2011). Nature’s Sunshine Products. From www.mynsp.com/herbalhour