Artery Cleanse (Oral Chelation Program) with Mega-Chel

MEGA CHEL – Artery Cleanse (Oral Chelation) Program

Suggested Usage: 1 month minimum for every 10 years of age!

~ Mega Chel Oral Chelate, 6 twice a day

~ Mineral Maintenance – 6 capsules twice a day
-or- Colloidal Minerals or Chinese Mineral Chi – 1 Tbsp twice a day

~ Cardio-Assurance 1 three times a day

~ *Brain Protex or Gingko – Gotu Kola; 1 – 3 daily

~ Lecithin, 2 – 4 capsules three times a day

~ Food Enzymes or PDA along with Proactazyme, 2 three times a day

*These are optional products beneficial to the brain specifically

Suggestion: Start the program with 1 x 2 (1 Mega-Chel, 2 times a day), each week adding one more Mega-Chel each time until reaching 6 x 2.  Take this amount 1 month for every 10 years of age (60 = 6 mos.).  Taper off the same way you worked up to the full dose.

It is suggested that you cleanse your colon prior to this program.

If you feel you want to see your progress:
Check your progress without expensive Thermography testing. Purchase one of the paper thermometers that are designed for use on the forehead. These can be wrapped around each finger and then around each toe to give you a reading. This will he your starting point and in 8 – 12 weeks you can check again to see if there is an increase in temperature which would indicate an increase in blood flow.

Special Notes:

~ FLATULENCE: Because of a change for the better in the intestinal flora brought about by these tablets, lower bowel gas may occur for a few days. It will be over within 3-7 days.

~ INDIGESTION: Be sure to take tablets with meals at all times, preferably in a meal containing some protein. Never take them on an empty stomach. Following this advice will usually solve all problems.

~ FATIGUE: Because there is considerable release of debris into the blood stream, there may be temporary decrease in the ability of the body to carry oxygen. This will produce a need for more rest and relaxation for about 7-10 days. This occurs in the individuals who need assistance the most. Fiber and bowel cleansing will help prevent this.

These minor discomforts only occur in about 5% of the people using the product. As indicated, the relief from these changes is within the first 10 days after which no further problems should occur.

For more information on the mentioned supplements, see our website

To order the supplements:

Charlotte and Timothy Test, Traditional Naturopaths


The information on this website of The Herb Peddler has not been evaluated by the FDA. The information provided by The Herb Peddler is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. We at The Herb Peddler are not responsible for the results of your decisions resulting from the use of the information, including, but not limited to, your choosing to seek or not to seek professional medical care, or from choosing or not choosing specific treatment based on the information.
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