6 Questions People Commonly Ask About ZYTO Technology
- How does the technology work?
ZYTO technology measures fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR for Galvanic Skin Response. GSR is commonly used as a marker for stress. In a process called a bio-survey, a client places his/her hand on a hand cradle and the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. Each response indicates a biological preference for the item assessed. Knowing biological preferences help individuals to make better choices about their health; for example, choosing the right nutritional supplements. - Are the results accurate?
Yes. Health professionals using ZYTO technology have performed hundreds of thousands of assessments worldwide and report excellent results. A recent hospital study showed a high correlation between the information provided by ZYTO’s technology and the recommendations made by attending physicians. - Are the results reproducible?
ZYTO technology measures the most rapidly changing field in the body, the energetic field, which processes 400 million impulses of information per second. When dealing with complex mind-body systems, repeatable measurements are not expected. However, in most instances successive bio-surveys will produce comparative results; each bio-survey will present a picture that is comparative in a meaningful way to the others. Health professionals and others with bio-survey experience learn that results obtained from the first bio-survey are valid and the most accurate. - Can the technology be used to treat or diagnose?
No. ZYTO technology does not treat, cure or diagnose. It is a tool designed to assist the individual in finding the body’s preferences for any list of items. This information is used to make better decisions about personal health, preference for nutritional supplements, foods to avoid, and so on. Even though this information has obvious value, the results of a bio-survey are not diagnostic. - Are there any research studies on the technology?
ZYTO technology involves information theory, biology, physics, and biofeedback. Each of these disciplines have several studies that validate the individual components that makes up the ZYTO technology. For example, there are several studies over the last century relating to GSR and its use in measuring the body’s reaction to stimuli.In addition, several health professionals have conducted successful studies using ZYTO’s technology. Recently, ZYTO concluded an extended research study in China, the results of which are set to be published in a peer reviewed journal.
- Do you have FDA approval?
ZYTO’s technology has been reviewed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), an approved FDA consultant along with legal experts who determined that it does not qualify as a medical device and therefore does not require FDA registration.