Herb of the Week 8/29/2011 – Yellow Dock

by The Herb Peddler on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 2:16am

Yellow Dock root is well known as the most significant natural source of readily digestible iron.  Herbalists have historically used the roots of this amazing plant to help build healthy blood and cleanse the body. Yellow Dock is found in North American as a common weed and is native to Asia and Europe.  Related to rhubarb, it is rich in tannin and can be used as a laxative or purgative.

Common Uses:

Herb source of iron; purify blood; build the blood; liver health; lymphatic system health; promotes healthy skin; helps itching; relieves occasional constipation (mild laxative); digestion health; aid for kidney problems.

How to use:

1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water.  Drink 1 to 2 cups daily.  If desired, add honey and/or lemon to taste.


In “A Modern Herbal” by Mrs. M. Grieve the following helpful recipe is given:

“A syrup can be made by boiling 1/2 lb. crushed root in a pint of syrup, which is taken in teaspoonful doses. The infusion administered in wine-glassful doses – is made by pouring 1 pint of boiling water on 1 OZ. of the powdered root. A useful homeopathic tincture is made from the plant before it flowers, which is of particular service to an irritable tickling cough of the upper air-tubes and the throat. It is likewise excellent for dispelling any obstinate itching of the skin. It acts like Sarsaparilla for curing scrofulous skin affections and glandular swellings.”

yellow dock

Charlotte Test, ND, MH
The Herb Peddler

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