Ear Candling

Ear Candling

by The Herb Peddler on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 10:44pm

First let me say, ear candling is not supported by the medical profession.  Many consider it dangerous and not helpful.  As users of ear candles, we disagree with their opinion.  When comparing ear candling to many medical treatments that maim and kill, ear candling is quite safe, especially when used wisely.  Be aware that you are using an ear candle or cone that is lit and burning on one end with the other in placed in your ear, which is reason enough to use them wisely.  As to them not being helpful… well ask my son whose hearing was restored and ear tubes avoided simply by candling his ears.  He’s just one of countless others who have benefited from ear candling since as far back as 2500 B.C. or maybe even longer.

How does ear candling work?  Many believe that the candling removes wax and other debris from the outer ear canal.  After all when you open the ear candle after candling your ear, you will see what looks like ear wax and other debris.  Some explain that this is part of the candle material.  However, some people have claimed to have seen bugs and other foreign objects that have nothing to do with the materials used in making the candles.  I belief the benefit to ear candling is in very gently equalizing pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane (ear drum) which allows fluid to drain from the inner ear canal and sinus cavity.  Maybe both explanations are right.

We hope you enjoy candling your ears!  Instructions for candling are as follows:

Instructions for using Ear Candles

Please read all the instructions fully and get your supplies ready before attempting to use ear candles.  It is best to not candle your own ears, as you are using an open flame, and that would be inviting an accident.  Always have someone do it for you.

You will need:

  • 2 ear candles, one for each ear
  • 2 paper plates
  • marker pen (optional)
  • good grade aluminum foil
  • sharp scissors
  • bowl of water
  • lighter or matches
  • bamboo skewer
  • wet paper towel and dry cloth towel
  • Cotton balls, Q-tips

Cover one of the paper plates with aluminum foil.  Cut a hole into the middle large enough to accommodate the size of the ear candle you will be using and to allow the tapered end of the candle to be inserted.  The ear candle should fit snugly.  If it doesn’t then wrap a damp tissue around the candle to ensure a snug fit.  Cut a large “V” into the second paper plate.

With the marker pen, you may mark a clear line around each candle approx 2″-3″ (5-6cm) from the bottom. This will guide you when to extinguish the candle.

Choose a comfortable, quiet and well ventilated location (avoid being underneath a smoke alarm).  Have the person lie on their side on a flat surface, a rolled towel or pillow under their head, their hair covered with a towel or ear candling cloth.  Their head should be tilted, not lying flat.

With the foiled paper plate in place around the candle, grasp the candle below the plate and insert the tapered end of the candle into the ear. Be sure the candle is seated properly into the ear, pulling on the earlobe slightly if necessary. If the candle is not seated properly smoke will come from between the plate and the ear. Light the top end of the candle.

Observe the burning end of the candle.  Trim the black wick when it is about 1″ (2.5cm) long. To cut the wick, you may use the second paper plate by slipping the V-shape around the candle and then cut above the base of the flame.  The burned end will fall away from you onto the plate.  Drop the black wick into the bowl of water, as it will be very hot and smoldering.

Extinguish the flame when it has burned down to the line you marked earlier.  Put the wet paper towel over the burning end of the candle.  Remove the plate and candle from the ear, and let the burned candle cool down before you open it to examine the contents.  Use the bamboo skewer to poke the contents out from the candle.

If your ears are feeling sensitive after candling, use cotton balls in the ears for the first two hours, especially when going out in the wind and cold.  You feel it’s helpful to clean your ears, but only the ear area that you can see.  Use the Q-tips if necessary.  Do not get your head wet or water in your ears for about 24 hours.

Charlotte Test, ND, MH
The Herb Peddler                               www.TheHerbPeddler.com

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