Herb of the Week 10/16/2011 – Chaste Tree

Herb of the Week 10/16/2011 – Chaste Tree

by The Herb Peddler on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 10:39am

Chaste Tree Berry (also known as Vitex, Monk’s Pepper, Hemp Tree, and Chasteberry ) is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. Traditionally the ripe dried berry is used to support women’s health while promoting balance in a woman’s cycle.  It provides soothing comfort for distressing symptoms of PMS.  Chaste Tree has properties that have a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland and increases lutinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone.  Chaste Tree can also be combined with Wild Yam for a female hormone balance synergistic formula.

Action: Bitter, Acrid, Cool

Common Uses: Helps balance the female cycle; hormonal balance (progesterone production, LH); mild mood changes & fluid retention associated with menstrual cycle; promotes reproductive health; reproductive tonic; menopause support; rosacea; hormone-related acne.

How to Use:  ½ – 1 teasp. per cup of boiling water. May drink 1 cup, 1 to 3 times daily. If desired, add honey and/or lemon to taste. NOT TO BE USED DURING PREGNANCY. MAY COUNTERACT THE EFFECTIVENSS OF BIRTH CONTROL PILLS.

If you have questions before taking Chaste Tree, please feel free to ask.

Charlotte Test, ND, MH

To order this herb visit our website.  If you have questions before using this remedy please let us know!



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