Frankincense and Myrrh — Sacred Gifts

Frankincense and Myrrh
Sacred Gifts

aka:  Boswellia carterii, Olibanum, Indian Frankincense, Arabic Frankincense, and Salai guggal

Frankincense Gum is a dried resin which comes from a species of Boswellia tree mostly found in Ethiopia, Egypt, and parts of Saudi Arabia.  When the bark of the tree is damaged or cut, the tree exudes this resin known as “tears”.  Frankincense is most valued for its aromatic fragrance, commonly found as an ingredient in incense, perfume & potpourris.


Far back into history, Frankincense essential oil has been known for its amazing healing powers and benefits in aromatherapy.  It’s been used for the ability to improve communication with the creator in the Middle East for thousands of years, even before it was offered as a gift to the Christ child by the Magi.  There are over 52 references to Frankincense in the Holy Bible.  Egyptian records show a great many references to the use of Frankincense in cosmetics, perfumes and as an embalming agent.  The Chinese used it as part of a treatment for leprosy.


The medical actions and uses of Frankincense include as a stimulant, relaxant, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory used externally.  It has been used for tumors, especially of the breast and lungs.  It has been used for a variety of female concerns in addition to the breasts, such as inflammation of the ovaries and pain during menstruation.  Frankincense has also been used for respiratory complaints such as asthma, shortness of breath, sinus troubles and laryngitis.  It has been used to help strengthen the immune system.  It was applied as a salve and liniment for rheumatism, wounds and athletic injuries.  Emotionally and mentally, Frankincense has been found to be very beneficial in relief of depression while also soothing the nerves.  It has been found to reduce stress levels and to relief irritability.  Frankincense has been found to be very powerful in soothing the mind.  In fact, it’s been used quite often to help in meditation.  As well-known its sacred uses are found in many religions.

How to Use:

Frankincense tears can be burned in a dish made for incense such as those made from soap stone.  The aroma that fills the air is especially useful for the effects in balancing the emotions and mood.  Frankincense essential oil can be mixed with massage oil and massaged into the skin.  For benefit to the respiratory system, Frankincense oil can be diffused in a nebulizing diffuser made for aromatherapy.


aka: Commiphora myrrha, Balasmodendron myrrha, Hirabol myrrh, Heerabol Myrrh, Mu-Yao.

Myrrh is the dried oleo gum resin of a variety of Commiphora species of trees.  The resin is produced by the tree as a result of a cut or injury to the bark into the sapwood.  Biblically, myrrh is referenced to balm of Gilead.  Myrrh is valued for the many medicinal as well as sacred uses it has.  It is used both internally as well as externally alone or synergistically blended with other ingredients.  It is used in its resin form as in the form of essential oil.


Myrrh has a smoky and earthy scent.  It is a history favorite natural medicine among all cultures going back to its first discovery in the far reaches of time.  Myrrh is a native to Ethiopia and Somalia.  It has been used as long ago as 3000 BCE by the Egyptians in embalming.  Up through the 15th century, Myrrh has been burned as incense during cremations and funerals to disguise any foul odors.  It was used to anoint kings and scent fabrics for those traveling to holy places.  Myrrh is reported to be one of the key ingredients in the mythical Egyptian perfume Kyphi.  The Romans even valued it as much as gold, using it as security for monetary debts.  Myrrh is undeniably one of the most famous natural ingredients in the world used by many cultures and religions.


Traditionally Myrrh has been used for the treatment of spasms, infections, it’s soothing effect on the upper respiratory system, coughs, colds, failure of menstruation, and chronic fatigue.  It’s also been used for the digestive system, skin, and problems with the teeth and gums.  In Ayurvedic medicine, myrrh is a favorite addition to the rasayanas for rejuvenation and disease prevention, especially as a spring tonic.  In fact, you’ll find Myrrh Gum as a primary ingredient in many traditional Middle Eastern, Chinese & Tibetan formulas, as well as in countless natural oral health preparations and salves used on the skin.

How to Use:

Myrrh gum is stickier than Frankincense tears.  Just as with Frankincense, Myrrh can be burned in a soap-stone dish made for incense.  In aromatherapy, Myrrh helps the individual move forward in their life both spiritually and emotionally.  It is calming and instills mental tranquility.  It imparts peace helping to ease sorrow and grief.  In meditation it helps to connect to inner self and realization of dreams.  Myrrh essential oil can be diffused in an open diffuser as it is thick and sticky for a nebulizer, unless mixed with other oils.



Grieve, M. (1931). A modern herbal.

Horne, S. & Balas, K. (2006). The comprehensive guide to nature’s sunshine products. St. George, UT: Tree of Light Publishing. (Frankincense). (Myrrh).


We have both Frankincense Tears and Myrrh Gum available through  Peace Eagle Herbs (

For highest in quality Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils, order from

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